Sunday, June 24, 2012

REPAIR NEEDED: Which is better - Hire a team or make your own?

    Each of us sooner or later come to the conclusion that delay the repair is no longer need to take urgent measures, and any guests at the house did not call, nor to live in it is not comfortable.
    Realizing that we must act, we run to the construction market, buy wallpaper and ... safely postpone repairs until better times. And these are the best times can not walk for several more years. Of course, if you have the remarkable strength of will and are able to bring myself after work to pick up a paintbrush, you honor and praise. And if you still have it and the "golden hands" ... then perhaps you are the builder by profession. No? Then our recommendations will help you evaluate your own strength and resolve, at last, for ourselves - you hire a team of builders to make repairs, or yourself.
   To begin with, calculate the value of your work day. Consider the following example. The average salary in Moscow on 30 thousand rubles. The number of working days per month - an average of 22. It turns out that for one-time salary is 1360 rubles. Even in the most simple repairs needed at least 5 working days. If it is time to take unpaid leave as the main holiday to spend time on the repair and construction work is not desirable, it turns out that you lose about 7 thousand rubles.
   Now substitute in these calculations the data. Calculate how much you earn per day. Divide your monthly salary by the number of working hours per month (with a five-day working week and eight-hour day a person works 176 hours). Then ring up a few teams and find out how much money they will take with you for the repair and how long will it to do. Once you've finished all the calculations, we can already understand - or not advantageous to you to do repairs yourself.
   Of course, it is possible that regardless of our calculations, you're determined to do the repairs yourself, then why not. Especially if you have the appropriate skills for that. In all other cases it is better not to waste time, nerves and strength, and use the services of teams of builders and construction company services.
If you have the financial resources and time, repairs are best left to professionals.
   Do not want to risk, then the hire of construction and maintenance crews with the recommendations. Indeed, the realities in our country are such that an average of five brigades, there is only one truly wishes, and, most importantly, able to work. So, do not hire construction workers who are unable to provide advice.
   Ask your relatives, friends, neighbors, distant and very very distant acquaintances, find out who he was doing repairs, and whether they were satisfied. Ask, Do not delayed the construction team time, did not return a drunken workers, etc.
   It is best to look at themselves and evaluate the quality of work performed by the team and have a conversation with people who have these works carried out. If the builders worked with your friends or relatives, and left a favorable impression, you should feel free to hire this crew to work. Close is not bad advice.


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