Sunday, June 24, 2012

   The first and most basic version of the traditional device of stationary partitions is to use small sized blocks. In other words, device partitions of brick, gipsolitovyh plates, porous concrete and glass block. All these materials have a mineral nature, very durable, fire resistant, durable, moisture resistant, provide good sound insulation, do not have internal cavities that can be got rodents or insects. On the other hand, these materials are heavy and require a solid foundation: set on a concrete ceiling, on top of an independent foundation, or at least - are set to lag, a steel beam.
   Common to these materials is the fundamental building technology - connect the blocks by laying on a solution, and the finished walls may have any shape (including curved), with openings and arches. For a glass block design and alternative - they can be collected in a special wooden lattice - cassette.
  Partition walls of bricks and concrete blocks are being built up ties and devices attached to the joists by installing perforated with holes in the metal reinforcement, one end of the rod hammered into the supporting structure, the other is placed in a horizontal seam masonry. A good solution is pairings institution walls into the interior walls, in which the furrows left (indent) the depth of 60 mm or separate nests in five or six rows of masonry. The base of the future septum necessarily aligned with the cement-sand mortar. Next, a thin layer of mortar is laid, which, in terms of exposing, mounted the first row of blocks of the partition. Fixing to the floor can be carried out using metal profiles (which, in turn, is mounted on the dowels). Lintels above the doorways of partitions can overlap the typical bar-shaped elements or concrete reinforced with steel rods. The final alignment for painting or wallpaper pasting is done by plastering and puttying. From the rooms with high humidity it is desirable to coat walls to full height (or at least 180 cm) ceramic tile, and other water resistant material, waterproof paint or stain.

brick walls

    This is perhaps the most that on is a classic version of the stone walls. In comparison to the brick block has the highest strength and moisture resistance. Exception - sand-lime brick, it is cheap, but is sensitive to moisture.
Despite its considerable weight,
 much stronger than a brick the other
materials used for masonry walls.

   The lack of a brick - a lot of weight (one square meter thick half solid bricks weighs 230-250 kg), which creates excessive strain on the supporting floor. Even in new homes is better to establish solid brick wall as far as possible the minimum length, for example, only in the bathrooms, bathrooms or near the vertical load-bearing elements (walls and columns). Of course, you can use to facilitate the hollow brick, but its sound insulation properties much worse. They can improve and covered with sand bricks inside the cavity, but the weight at the same time, it is natural increase. Among other drawbacks of brick walls - the duration of the process of laying and drying, the complexity and high cost of these works, the need for plastering surfaces.
   Typically, these barriers are put in a half-brick thick (it is approximately 140 mm) or on the edge (80 mm). Given the small thickness of the brick walls, a masonry should always be reinforced. To do this, the entire length of the construction, every 4-5 rows of bricks laid a pair of steel reinforcement rods with a diameter of 4-6 mm strips or fine-mesh stucco mesh. The ends of the valves associated with the basic structures of the building, setting the stage for the walls, or slaughter and fixed to the walls and racks.
   To increase the stability of the walls of brick, laid on edge, they should be reinforced both vertically and horizontally, forming a cell size of 525 × 525 mm. In the seams along the contour of the cells are placed fixtures, either flat steel section of 2 × 25 mm, or two rods with a diameter of 4-6 mm. In short partitions of up to 1.5 m and a thickness of 65 mm reinforcement operates only in the horizontal joints in two or three rows of bricks.
  Masonry walls of brick, put on edge, particularly difficult, since such a clutch in the raw form is very unstable. So are clutch or with the help of guides, or in several stages, raising the barrier for the phase of no more than 1-1.5 m, and then wait days until the clutch solution.

Partitions of cellular concrete
   Cellular concrete (aerated or foamed concrete) is a relatively new material and has a lot of advantages over brick. These blocks are substantially larger and lighter brick, so that one unit can replace up to 15-20 bricks, but has much less weight. Due to the thin seam gas concrete wall dries much faster than a brick, its surface is so smooth, that does not require plastering - enough to finish finishing putty. All of the above provides the highest technological application of aerated concrete.
   The partition of porous concrete can be easily treated.
  The strength of aerated concrete can erect walls of almost any height. When masonry can be used as a sand-cement mixture, and a special glue. Each subsequent row of blocks is set to pre-greasing docked adhesive surfaces (solution) and ligation of the previous row of blocks.
   By the partition walls are fixed with glue (a solution) and reinforcement (every 2 rows of blocks). The doorway is covered by the top two or three steel reinforcement rods (6 mm in diameter), which "vrazbezhku" stacked blocks.
Перегородка из ячеистого бетона легко поддается обработке
   Aerated concrete blocks are easily sawn, cut and drilled. This allows you to cut without the slightest difficulty blocks the size you want, chase channels and holes for wiring, sockets, to make the design any shape, including curved and arched. For device manufacturers produce interior walls concrete blocks of thickness from 80 to 120 mm. This size provides optimal performance for fire resistance, thermal insulation, sound insulation and console loads. Thus, the partition of the blocks 100 mm thick insulation provides an index (Rw), equal to 35-37 dB, a thickness of 125 mm - 44-46 dB, and another wall 25 mm thick - and at 55-57 dB. The same applies to the fire, which is the limit for a self-supporting walls made of blocks of thickness 75 mm, is 150 minutes.
Gipsolitovyh partitions, gypsum partition blocks

Перегородки из газогребневых плит прекрасно реагируют на перемены влажности в помещении


                                                                                                  Partitions of gazogrebnevyh well                                                                                                                 plates react to humidity changes,                                                                                                           while avoiding strain and loss of strength characteristics.   

      This is - the most technologically advanced of the blocks, allowing to collect from the walls like a designer "Lego". As well as aerated concrete blocks, gypsum gypsum partition blocks substantially larger than a brick. Thus, the most common in our power company "Knauf Gypsum" are available in two sizes: 667 × 500 900 × 300 mm, thickness - 80 mm or 100 mm. Each plate is made of plaster and is a rectangular box, low and the bearing surfaces of which are on either side of tongue and groove. Their presence allows you to accurately orient the blocks relative to each other, increases the rigidity of the interfaces increases the adaptability of work. However, such an innovation would be a constructive nuisance, if you want to build a complex and a curved wall - the grooves and ridges are oriented to the assembly of rectilinear structures.
   The advantage of gypsum boards is their adaptability, the ability to stabilize the humidity level, that is, give or take, depending on the moisture level of humidity in the room. Gypsum boards are resistant to rot and insects, small variations in temperature and humidity do not cause them strain. On the strength of plaster slab occupy the space between the brick and aerated concrete, so that the suspension of his heavy fittings can be a problem. The usual equipment, including shelves and wall units, easily fixed with the use of anchors and dowels. Gypsum board is easy to cut and handle, and the wiring and pipes are recessed in the chase, carried out by a simple hand tool.
   Unlike brick and aerated concrete, gypsum partition walls of the plates are not placed on a concrete base floor and the finished floor screed prior to application of finishes. At the intersections and corners of boards are laid with alternate overlap joints of the lower ranks. Stack plates can be slotted, both up and down. Stacking up the slot is preferable, because this filler in the compound gypsum partition is distributed more evenly. In this case, the first row of tiles must be cut comb. As an assembly adhesive is applied plaster mortar or plaster type "Fugenfyuller." To increase the strength of the partition is mounted rigidly to the bearing overlaps, using dowels, and the gap between the ceiling and the upper row of plates be filled with putty. Vertical joints of plates that are adjacent to the doorway, should not be located closer than 20 cm from the edge of the opening.
    The disadvantage of plaster gypsum partition boards is their low moisture and poor sound insulation properties. However, there are your options. For wet areas (with humidity over 60%) of the company "Knauf Gypsum" produces special, moisture repellent plate (green, not white, like normal boards, color). Of these barriers can be put in a bathroom, toilet and kitchen. For added protection, veneer panels with ceramic tiles, waterproof mastic, a place to protect the sealing interfaces waterproof tape.
   To improve the sound insulation properties of gypsum board, you can use an elastic connection to the ceiling and walls. In this case, in contact with the walls of the building designs of adhesively bonded elastic gasket thickness of 3-5 mm of cork, felt or soft bituminization fiberboard. This seal prevents the transfer of sound vibrations in the wall of the supporting structures of the building.

Partitions of glass

  Перегородки из стеклоблоков в основном являются декоративным элементом интерьера
Partitions of glass are mostly 
decorative element of interior design.
                                 Glass - is the most decorative of the partition blocks. They are the building blocks, hollow box formed by the hermetically soldered together the halves of the thick glass.
Standard sizes of glass blocks - 190 × 190 × 80 mm (sometimes - 240 × 240 × 80 mm), the weight of glass block 2,2-4 kg. Available in the angular (or half-hearted) blocks, triangular, or even round. The surface of the modern glass block may be smooth, ribbed, transparent, opaque, and even color. There is a completely transparent glass blocks (with a flat front wall), and the light-scattering svetonapravlyayuschie. Available in special glass blocks with a highly artistic treatment of the surface with decorative accents inside, stained glass, etc. From a constructive point of view, these blocks - fine material. They possess considerable strength (break a sledgehammer), fire resistance and thermal stability (maintaining temperature changes from -40 to +50 ° C.), a well-insulated heat and sound, very durable, reflect light, provide a visual connection to the premises of the spaces. Perhaps the only drawback of these materials - a relatively high price.
       The apartments are appropriate partitions of glass in the bathrooms, kitchen and even in the living room, separating one functional area of ​​an apartment from another. It is advantageous to look insertion of glass included in the walls of other materials. In addition, glass can be used, furnished basements, swimming pools, garages, etc. Glass is widely used in the construction industry.
     For fixing glass blocks any unsuitable cement and adhesive mounting compounds that do not contain large grains of sand or other impurities that can scratch the surface. To ensure the rigidity of glass to masonry reinforced. Strength of cement with a smooth and dense glass is worse than with concrete or brick, so it is recommended to lay no more than three rows of blocks in the height of the day. After completing the masonry joints and seams should seal the appropriate tone for tile grout - so the partition will look more aesthetic.

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